Monthly Archives: June 2016

The Silent Persecution

Those of you who know me, know that I don’t often post Spiritual post on this blog. I try to keep it about books and writers and stories here. But I have, for the past few years, been watching something that I can’t keep silent about anymore. The persecution in America against Christians. Let me state that it is a mostly silent persecution, but it is still persecution. Others have said it and I agree with them that there is an attitude of Intolerance towards those that call themselves Christian. We all know about persecution outside of America.  In Muslim countries they are beaten to death or beheaded. In China they are imprisoned for no other reason than they are Christians.


In our country Christians aren’t killed yet. But the media (televison, movies) portray them as either stupid and something to laugh at or as evil people or crazies. They are belittled for their beliefs, Mems are made about how wrong they are. Posts on social media are made to shame and belittle them for standing up for their convictions. Even our top political leaders ridicule and threaten us for practicing our Beliefs.
While I agree with those that point out Sin is Sin and that we Christians need to be able to love everyone unconditionally like Christ calls us to. I felt the need to point out that there is a definite move to vilify us, which I personally believe will, before the end of my lifetime, lead to Christians being killed  in America for being Christians. Oh and in case anyone has forgotten. Christians have been killed here in America for that reason already. Here are a few of them:

June 17th, 2015: A lone gunman, Dylann Storm Roof, opened fire in a Charleston, South Carolina church, killing nine and wounding another.

August 12, 2007: A lone gunman, Eiken Elam Saimon, opened fire in a Missouri Micronesian church, killing a pastor and two other churchgoers.

May 20, 2007: A standoff between police and a suspect in the shootings of three people in a Moscow, Idaho, Presbyterian Church ended with three dead, including one police officer.

May 21, 2006: Louisiana. Four were killed by a man at Jesus Christ Church.

Feb. 26, 2006: Michigan. Two people were killed at Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church by a man who reportedly went to the church looking for his girlfriend. He later killed himself.

April 9, 2005: A 27-year-old airman died after being shot at a church in College Park, Ga., where he had once worked as a security guard.

March 12, 2005: A man walked into the services of the Living Church of God in Milwaukee and open fired immediately, killing seven people.

Oct. 5, 2003: A woman opened fire in Turner Monumental AME church in Kirkwood, east of Atlanta, killing the pastor and two others.

Sept. 16, 1999: Seven young people were killed when a man opened fire during a prayer service for teens at the Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas.

Finally here is a quote from an USA Today article written in 2013:

In 1999, there were 22 violent deaths — including homicides and suicides — reported at worship centers nationwide, according to statistics.  Last year, there were 115 attacks, with 75 of those ending in a fatality.


So don’t think that Christians aren’t reviled, persecuted and even martyred  in America; because WE ARE. And it’s only going to get worse.

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Posted by on June 18, 2016 in Book Reviews