Meet Faith Blum and her book”The Solid Rock”

28 Mar

I have had the great pleasure the last few weeks to get to know a spectacular young woman who is a prolific writer of Christ centered Westerns. I want to take the time to tell you a little about her and the awesome series of books she is writing. Let me introduce you to my friend and fellow writer Faith Blum, that Blum which sounds like plum with a B not Bloom.


She amazes me in that at only 25 she has five novels and three Novella’s already published the newest book is the last in her “Hymns of Faith” series and I’ll review it here in a minute.

I encourage you to go to Faiths website and read the about section she has quite the sense of humor.  She lives in Wisconsin on what she describes as a hobby farm with her family. I’ve read all but two of her published works and have added her to my “favorite authors”

I want to get straight to her newest book and give you it’s description. The book is book five of the series and while you don’t need to read them all to enjoy and get drawn in to “The Solid Rock” but you should at least read the first book as it gives a lot of the background information.



Pinkerton detective, Joshua Brookings, is sent on a job that seems simple on the surface. His fellow detective has been kidnapped and his boss, William Pinkerton senses foul play. Joshua is sent to investigate Edward’s case in hopes of finding the kidnapped detective and helping solve the case that has taken over ten years to investigate.

Arriving in Cheyenne, Joshua finds much more than a simple kidnapping. Yet again, he must go undercover, something he made his boss promise never to make him do again. The only Christian in the outlaw group, Joshua falters and almost loses faith in God’s providence. Will he stand on the solid Rock or drown in the sinking sand?

My Review:

This is a good solid ending to the series. If you haven’t read the others you can start right here but you’ll want to go back and read the rest of them.

The characters in this book are believable and the story is full of action, adventure, and even romance. The book starts with a huge attention grabbing kidnapping. A Pinkerton detective has been kidnapped to keep him from finishing a case and fellow Pinkerton, Joshua Brookings is sent to find the detective and finish the case.  This leads to Joshua being undercover with some of the worst criminals in the west. As a Christian the lies alone  begin to wear on him, and listening to the men boast about past crimes and wicked lifestyles drag his faith down.

I loved the hero and the amount of action in this book. I loved the women and the fact that they weren’t just damsel’s in distress waiting for a man to save them. Every character in the book was true to what people in the west would have been like. The hero’s weren’t perfect and the villains weren’t all bad either.  Just when you think the book should end Miss. Blum adds another twist and draws you right back in. It wraps up the series very well and ties up almost all of the lose ends. The only thing not tied up nice and neat is what happens to five minor characters who the author assures me are getting their own tales soon. Grab this book and enjoy being drawn into the wild wild west once again.

You can grab this and all of Faith’s books at her amazon page: here.

Connect with her at her website here, and on facebook here. Also you might want to check out her blog here.

Until next time, keep yer six-guns loose and yer powder dry.- PG



Posted by on March 28, 2016 in Book Reviews


3 responses to “Meet Faith Blum and her book”The Solid Rock”

  1. Debbie Curto

    March 28, 2016 at 7:48 pm

    I won this book for a book chat and will read it and the others just as soon as I get caught up on my reviews that are due!

  2. Faith Blum

    March 29, 2016 at 9:11 pm

    Thank you for being part of my tour!


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